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Week 5 Discussion question 1

Week 5 Discussion question 1

Q Please refer to Chapter 5's Closing Case 1 (Peloton: Fitness-as-a-Service, pg. 219) and answer any ONE of the questions below in your initial thread before Wednesday. Then, before the end of Sunday, make the remaining THREE response posts (interact with at least TWO different classmates by either asking probing question(s), agreeing with their answers, or offering alternative points of view). Either way, your replies must be substantive and through-provoking to earn full credit for your participation. Questions: 1. List five types of data Peloton might be collecting from its customers as they ride on a bike or treadmill. 2. What types of business questions can Peloton answer from the data listed in question 1? 3. How can Peloton take advantage of Fitness as a Service beyond bikes and treadmills? 4. How does cloud computing work in Peloton's subscription model?

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In this week’s discussion, we are told to read the closing case one of Chapter 5. The topic is Peloton: Fitness as a service. So in this reading, it is seen that the company is giving people classes on treadmills and bikes (Planner, 2019). So among the 4 questions, I choose the third question which has asked to define the advantage of fitness except for the bikes and treadmills (Planner, 2019).